Kiddlets – spring is near! I’m over the winter blues (but not over being sick sadly) and I’ve gotten that beautiful tingly feeling I get when the spring range of clothes and shoes come in to stores. I admit it; I am a complete sucker for shoes. It doesn’t make me materialistic…. Just empty pocketed?
Nine West is the best for shoes by far I’ve seen for the season. I admit to being a
Wittner fanatic and in fact, there are two little pairs of shoes in the Fab Flats section that have my name on them (Look at Luxe and London in pink, sorry I can’t copy them onto my blog, they’re in flash player, so there’s no right-clicking!).
But when I saw Joycliffe, first in Marie Claire or Madison (it’s hard to remember which, only my gasp of joy) and then in the window, it was Nine West shoe love. True, true Edward for Bella Love. Yes, that weird and obsessive. (No, I don’t love Twilight, but it’s a cultural reference piece now – *sigh*) The red and white-ness! I have a thing for red and white shoes. I already have red and white striped cane-heeled wedges, but I need these.

But then, Nine West made me extra uber excited when I went to their
website. Just look at the rest of the colours! Colours!!! No more winter blacks! I’ve been missing colour in shoes for sooooo long. Nine West management, if you’re reading, I will sell my soul (or sole, whichever you prefer) to have these shoes, size 7.5 please.

And then, my all time favorite designer, why yes, the charming and imaginative
Alice McCall has decided to share her spring/summer designs. OH. ME. OH. MY.

….Sample sale? Please? As it is I’m still craving this dress from the winter 09 collection, and I can’t find it anywhere!!

Aside from shoes-and-Alice-McCall-design drool on the keyboard, has everyone seen the trailer for Where The Wild Things Are? I loved that book as a kid, and to see it as a movie is so exciting.

Cam and I will be going to see it. I was also very excited to hear ‘Wake Up’ by Arcade Fire as the song for the trailer. I was actually moved by it, it didn’t sound like the album version, so I am sure they used a re-recorded version, and I was nearly in tears as I watched it on the big screen. I feel a little embarrassed admitting that. What a perfect song for that movie though! Arcade Fire are musical genius, albeit, genius that goes mostly unnoticed (please, if you’ve never listened to them, listen to their album ‘Funeral’). That song has taken on a whole different meaning to me now – it used to be an angsty song for me, and now instead I’m seeing Max and smiling monsters running and roaring in the forest. I think this movie will be one to stand the test of time in my books, and makes me as excited as seeing Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (my all-time favorite story).
Right, back to doing real work….. And I promise a proper post soon, with outfits.
P.S. I’m in a relatively good mood. I finally got to pick up my lay-by tonight – My Jorgen Jensen pewter earrings, which perfectly match my mother’s necklace! She never really liked the necklace, but received it as a teenager as a gift so she kept it knowing it was ‘Jensen’. I also have put a beautiful ceylon sapphire and diamond edwardian ring on lay-by. I put it on my finger it was just PERFECT. I couldn't leave without putting it on Lay-by. Tres bon!
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